AI Summary of the book “The master key system”


“The Master Key System” is a classic self-help book written by Charles F. Haanel, first published in 1912. The book is presented as a course in personal development, comprising 24 lessons. Here is a brief summary of the key concepts:

  1. The Power of Thought: Haanel emphasizes the creative power of thought in shaping one’s reality. Thoughts are seen as the starting point for all achievements and changes in life.
  2. The Master Key: The “Master Key” is a metaphorical key that unlocks the potential within an individual. It involves understanding and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind.
  3. Concentration and Focus: The book stresses the importance of concentration and focus in achieving success. By directing and maintaining one’s thoughts on specific goals, individuals can attract positive outcomes.
  4. Law of Attraction: Haanel introduces the idea that like attracts like. Positive thoughts attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract negativity. The law of attraction plays a significant role in shaping one’s circumstances.
  5. Harmony and Abundance: Haanel discusses the importance of maintaining harmony in one’s thoughts, actions, and environment. Achieving inner harmony contributes to external success and abundance.
  6. Visualization: The book encourages the use of visualization as a tool for achieving goals. By vividly imagining desired outcomes, individuals can align their thoughts and actions with success.
  7. Affirmations: Haanel suggests the use of positive affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind. Regular repetition of affirmations helps shape a positive mindset and attract desired results.
  8. Causation: The concept of causation emphasizes that individuals are not victims of circumstances but rather creators of their reality. Taking responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions is crucial in achieving personal and professional goals.
  9. Mind and Body Connection: Haanel explores the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Positive mental attitudes contribute to physical well-being, and a healthy body supports a positive mindset.

“The Master Key System” has influenced many contemporary self-help and personal development philosophies. It provides a systematic approach to understanding the power of the mind and applying it to create a more fulfilling and successful life.

What being in the Present meant to me in the last few days


Recently I have many tough programming problems I am facing so I keep thinking what is the best approach (the most effective and clean way). I thought during dinner. I just wouldn’t let go. I even tried to think of a solution while I am in bed. : (. So in next morning, suddenly I got an solution for my problem and only took my 5 mins to fix. Yesterday another problem arise, I faced some other difficult challenge and just kept thinking and thinking and I thought so hard in head but still went nowhere. All in a sudden something dawn on me. Let me just sit on it like last time, maybe my brain is give me the solution next morning. At 7:30am this morning while I was taking a shower and “BOOM” idea came from nowhere and I believed I have my solution. To sum it up, in this situation being in the present really meant just to stop trying so hard to think in your head, in another word, “just sit on it ” and something will come up. Did my brain actually work on it during my sleep or because my mind is more clear next day. I don’t know. This is my share of day.